October 6, 2012 5:45 AM

Romney/Ryan 2012: Because America should leave the lying to the professionals (#8)

Joe Conason watched the presidential candidates’ debate this week, and had a reaction I could relate to…. “‘It’s not easy to debate a liar,’ complained an email from one observer of the first presidential debate — and there was no question about which candidate he meant. Prevarication, falsification, fabrication are all familiar tactics that have been employed by Mitt Romney without much consequence to him ever since he entered public life,” Conason wrote. Concerns along these lines were not uncommon

Chronicling Mitt’s Mendacity, Vol. XXXVII: When lying and shameless dishonesty is not only a campaign strategy, but the cornerstone of your pursuit of the Presidency, you’re harming American.

‘It’s just completely false and I’m pretty stunned’: It’s Mitt Romney, who never ceases to amaze when it comes to setting the integrity bar low.

Romney: “I care about 100 percent of the American people”: When you have no shame, integrity, or honor…you must be Mitt Romney, followed closely by Paul Ryan.

Will Mitt’s Mendacity undermine his big win?: Only if the Mainstream Media calls him on his mendacity…and no one should be holding their breath on that one.

Why Mitt Romney’s Lyme Disease Mailers Are Dangerous: It’s one thing to manipulate and lie about the truth when it comes to political issues and positions. It takes a very special kind of craven to do it with public health issues…and it’s exactly the sort of craven dishonesty the Romney/Ryan campaign specializes in.

REPORT: Seniors Will Pay $60,000 More For Medicare Under Romney/Ryan Plan: Someone really should explain to Romney that “stays exactly the same” and “$60,000 more” are NOT equivalent statements.

Ryan: ‘I Don’t Have The Time’ To Explain How We’ll Pay For Tax Cuts: The plan, of course, is to employ the “trust me; we’ll tell you after the election” strategy. Once elected, they’ll proceed to screw the poor and working class.

The Romney/Ryan proposal to transform Medicare’s guaranteed benefit into a “premium support” structure for future retirees could increase costs by almost $60,000 for seniors reaching the age of 65 in 2023, a new report from the Center for American Progress finds. Current seniors would also have to pay more for preventive, hospital, and physician services should Romney and Ryan repeal the Affordable Care Act, facing an increase in health spending of between $7,900 and $18,600 over the course of their retirement.

Ron Haskins, GOP Welfare Reform Architect, Blasts Mitt Romney Ad: When a member of your own party criticizes your dishonesty…if you’re Mitt Romney, you invoke the George Costanza Theory: “It’s not a lie if you believe it to be true.”

While lying about his tax plan, Romney calls his sons liars: Whatever it takes to win…even if it means throwing your sons under the bus.

The one who actually needs to apologize: When you accuse the President of apologizing and are immediately proven wrong by fact-checkers, you’d think that a man of honor would have the decency to offer an apology. Of course, I don’t know that you’d ever see “Mitt Romney” and “man of honor” used in the same sentence.

Paul Ryan On Mitt Romney’s Tax Plan: ‘We Have Shown How That Works’: Uh, actually you haven’t, but if you keep repeating it, the American Sheeple will eventually accept it as Gospel.

Post-Debate Analysis: Mitt Romney Lied. And Wants to Kill Big Bird: And you can bet the Mainstream Media will focus on Big Bird and not on the lying.

At Last Night’s Debate: Romney Told 27 Myths In 38 Minutes: Or, about Romney’s average rate of dishonesty. The man’s a mendacity machine.

The First Debate: Mitt Romney’s Five Biggest Lies: Not that the Mainstream Media will call Romney on any of these….

Debate Victory Validates Romney Strategy of Nonstop Lying): Evidently, Josef Goebbels knew what he was talking about.

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