October 7, 2012 6:52 AM

Somewhere warm and breezy, Jesus Christ is weeping in his Dos Equis

I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.

  • Mahatma Gandhi

One of the things that I’ve always found difficult to understand about the human species is our predilection and propensity for oppressing and/or killing those who believe in a different imaginary friend. I say that not to denigrate faith, because I understand the power it holds for so many. Gaining meaning and purpose from a religious faith is a good and wonderful thing. Those who endeavor to live their beliefs should be recognized and commended for doing so…if only because so many are willing to use their “faith” as a weapon and means to oppress “The Other.”

I can’t vouch for the veracity of the graphic at the top of this post, but accurate or not, it’s indicative of the intolerance of so many toward those who think, live, and believe differently. I’m no theologian, but one thing I do understand is that at the heart of most religions are concepts like love, charity, and tolerance. The Golden Rule is an idea firmly rooted in most faith traditions. Treat others as you wish to be treated- eight simple words, which somewhere along the way have somehow have been largely forgotten by those whose religious beliefs are a reflection of their own fear and ignorance.

I write a lot about this issue as it pertains to Christianity; it’s hard not to when I live in a country with an overwhelming Christian majority. The issue of intolerance is something that crosses theological lines, though here in the US, the most noticeable intolerance and oppression comes from Christians who elevate their flavor of imaginary friend over any and all others. Rather than trying to find common ground, too many Christians actively oppress and degrade those who follow other religions. A frequent target is Islam; this increased exponentially after 9.11, as if Islam was somehow responsible for the terrorists attacks. This attitude ignores that role that Christianity has played in domestic terror attacks- after all, a Christian by definition can’t be a terrorist, particularly if they’re White…right??

Religion should not be used to justify mayhem and violence directed at those who believe differently. Here in the US, Christianity is too often used as a bludgeon against non-believers. Internationally, Islam is often the weapon of choice, with religious fervor manipulated by those who use faith and rage to create results that serve their own political ends. Both represent perfectly good religious doctrines manipulated by those more motivated by power than faith. Islam refers to itself as the “Religion of Peace,” and anyone even remotely familiar with the Quran understands this to be true. Likewise, Jesus Christ taught love, charity, and tolerance…things seldom displayed by those on the Religious Right more interested in political dominion than living their faith.

Religion should be a means of ensuring humanity coexists together in peace and harmony. Instead, it’s too often just another example of tribalism run amok in ways that have nothing to do with the teachings of a religion. When it becomes another justification for murder and oppression, it ceases to be religion and because just another cheap excuse for mayhem.

Humanity deserves better.

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