January 14, 2013 6:16 AM

If James Yeager is the spokesman for your cause, you're in more trouble than you know


(apologies to Keith Olbermann)

James Yeager

The Tennessee CEO who said in a YouTube video earlier this week that he would “start killing people” if current gun control efforts went “one inch further” walked back his original statement during an interview with Nashville’s WSMV-TV on Friday. Insisting that he had no imminent plans to open fire on anyone — while also falsely claiming that he never used the phrase “start killing people” — Tactical Response CEO James Yeager said that he was simply “angry” when he filmed the original video about encroachments on his 2nd Amendment “birthright.”

It takes a very special kind of idiot to do what James Yeager did last week in setting back the cause of gun advocates. Instead of making a reasoned, rational case against gun control, Yeager went on a epic YouTube rant, where he among other things, promised to “start killing people” if President Obama took executive and instituted tighter gun control.

I can certainly understand why some on the other side of the fence might be upset with the idea of the President using his power as President to take executive action. Nonetheless, none one advocating for gun control needs to say a word, not while people like James Yeager are willing to make our case. I suppose we owe a debt of gratitude to Yeager for doing the heavy lifting for us. He and people like him are EXACTLY why America would benefit from tighter gun control. I’m not sure if firepower allows Yeager to feel as if he’s compensating for other…um, shortcomings, but the idea of the President taking executive action is clearly something he sees as a threat to his masculinity.

The idea that America is being “ruled by a dictator” who wants to take our guns is as absurd as it is pure psychotic hyperbole. Gun nuts like Yeager no doubt realize that they have no real argument, so they resorts to threats of violence and rebellion, which only serves to further underscore their impotence. That Yeager’s bleating borders on treason seems lost on him, and I’d be advocating for his prosecution if his impotent whining wasn’t so laughable.

Why prosecute Yeager when he’s busy hoisting himself on his own petard?

The good news, at least for those of us not convinced that guns are extensions of our manhood, is that the Tennessee Department of Safety and Homeland Security (man, there’s a mouthful, eh?) suspended Yeager’s gun permit. Committing treason and threatening to murder innocent civilians is evidently too much even in Tennessee.

The number one priority for our department is to ensure the public’s safety. Mr. Yeager’s comments were irresponsible, dangerous, and deserved our immediate attention. Due to our concern, as well as that of law enforcement, his handgun permit was suspended immediately. We have notified Mr. Yeager about the suspension today via e-mail. He will receive an official notification of his suspension through the mail.

NRA headquarters in Washington had no comment on media reports that Yeager had been hired to become the lobbying group’s new spokeman. I kid….

Sadly for the paranoid conspiracy theorists in the gun nut community, not even Yeager’s (sort of) walking back in his comments was sufficient to undo the damage to their cause. Guess what, y’all? Using the term “paranoid conspiracy theorists” to describe the gun nut community turns out to be pretty much spot on. The gun nuts aren’t going to like that, of course, but if it’s not true why isn’t someone on their side vigorously and vehemently denouncing Yeager? They’re not because they agree with him (e.g.- Wayne LaPierre, Larry Pratt, Alex Jones, Ted Nugent…need I say more?)…and there’s simply no way to reason with people who idea of reasonable debate involves screaming, personal insults, and threats of violence.

Game, set, match. We should be profusely thank James Yeager for “eloquently” making the case for gun control…though that clearly wasn’t his intent.

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