September 24, 2013 6:10 AM

It's time that REAL Americans revolt against The Black Guy in the White House

My fellow patriot this effort is to support the truckers in a major shut down of America ion [sic] a 3 day strike October 11th thru 13th. Obamacare will be in effect and most people will be ready to take action. No commerce on those days stock up on items that you will need. No banking no shopping no money transactions. It does not matter if a million or 50 roll through DC in this effort. Congress will listen to We the People. Which is remove Obama from office for crimes of treason and misdemeanors. We want Congressional hearing on Benghazi and Seal Team 6. Louis Learner [sic] put in jail. No amnesty, remove all Muslims in our government that do not uphold the Constitution. Remove Eric Holder from office for crimes against the people and the Constitution. Last but not least is Fuel prices. American people are sick and tired of the corruption that is destroying America! We therefore declare a GENERAL STRIKE on the weekend of October 11-13, 2013! Truck drivers will not haul freight! Workers will call in sick! Consumers will not buy or sell anything on this date! Stay home! Buy nothing!

Grab yer Truck Nutz, ‘Murica! It’s time for good, God-fearing patriots to come together and take this country back from The Black Guy in the White House ©. He must be impeached for high crimes and misdemeanors…just as soon as we figure out what they are. In the meantime, let’s all join our great country’s truck drivers as they descend on Washington and lead a revolution! In order to protect America, we must ensure that a REAL American, one that will look after the interests of REAL Americans, is in the White House….

In our recurring national effort to ensure that mob rule by the lowest common denominator becomes the law of the land, those who hate The Black Guy in the White House © with a passion that defies description are on the warpath. Instead of directing their considerable rage and hatred towards something constructive, they’ve decided the time has come to foment revolution because of their racism-driven irrational hatred. Instead of doing something constructive and demanding an end to gridlock in Congress, they’ve decided that it’s all the fault of The Black Guy in the White House ©.

Who need facts when you have the Tea Party? Critical thinking is just a Liberal plot to protect The Black Guy in the White House &copy, knowhutimean?

Independent Truckers of America are essentially operating on slave wages; in most cases working below minimum wage, and all paying exorbitant fuel costs and fees. American truckers are also very politically astute and great patriots, and they are all well aware of what is happening to our U.S. Constitution. Through this campaign, they are leading the convoy of all Americans coast to coast who wish to restore our Constitutional Republic. America is calling out to our Patriots, and if any group can help lead the charge to save our nation, it’s the U.S. Truckers.

Right; America’s saviors are driving trucks. WTF? “American truckers are also very politically astute and great patriots…?” I’m not going to get into the collective political savvy of truckers, other than to say it seems like someone’s giving themselves a wee bit too much credit. Judging by the grammar, punctuation, and quality of the writing on their Facebook page (Ride for the Constitution? Really?), I suspect it’s a safe bet that they’re not going to be able to expound on exactly HOW The Black Guy in the White House © has violated the Constitution, much less what they believe his “high crimes and misdemeanors” to be. They know what they know because they listen to Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, and Sean Hannity- brave champions of truth and justice all, no?- expound on how The Black Guy in the White House © is destroying America. They get their information from reprobates who define truth as whatever exits their mouth and keeps their advertising rates high. They form their worldview based on (factually suspect) information provided by moral midgets who can’t be bothered with things like truth or facts.

In the meantime, perhaps if America’s truckers took themselves a bit less seriously and did their homework, they’d seem less like exercises in reaction and self-parody. Perhaps they’d recognize that the real threat to this country isn’t in the White House, it’s on Capitol Hill. Still, it’s SO much easier to hate The Black Guy in the White House ©, no?

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