November 14, 2014 8:34 AM

This week's meeting of The Brotherhood of the Tiny Penis will now come to order


(apologies to Keith Olbermann)

Rob Kinnison

Rob Kinnison of Phoenix, Arizona (R-Gun Humper) uploaded his latest angry rant to YouTube on Monday. Rob is really mad and his anger is directed toward Moms Demand Action, the gun sense group that gun fetishists regularly target. Rob details his “fucking” feelings about the recent campaign launched by Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America asking Kroger to prohibit the open carry of firearms inside its stores. Watch Rob be angry at “libtards” who he says will fail with the Kroger campaign so just “put a dick in your mouth and shut up.”…. Open Carry activists believe that the Second Amendment trumps the Moms group’s first Amendment rights.

As a spokesman for the gun rights movement (and as a human being), Rob Kinnison leaves much to be desired. An intellecual and moral midget of the first order, Kinnison couldn’t have a rational debate if his life depended on it. He is, however, the poster boy for exactly what’s wrong with so many who believe their gun “rights” take precedence over any and all other consideration- life, liberty, public safety, you name it. They care for nothing but their own narrow interests, though they lack the intellectual candlepower and the vocabulary to coherently defend their beliefs.

Sorry, Rob, but “put a dick in you mouth and shut up” may seem a witty rejoinder to you…but all it does it lay bare the truth that you have nothing of value to offer. When the only way you can defend your beliefs is through gross, gratuitous insults, why would anyone capable of rational thought take you seriously?

The problem is that reprobates like Kinnison aren’t as rare as one might think. In fact, similar attitudes and methods of expressing those attitudes are surprisingly common. If you’ve read this blog for any length of time, you understand I’m undeniably anti-gun and I make no apologies for it. There are those who disagree with me, and their comments are well-considered and polite…and then there are those who make Rob Kinnison look like a Boy Scout. If you have a reasoned, rational argument to make, I’m certainly willing to consider it. When your idea of refuting my argument is to question my manhood, my sexuality, and/or my patriotism…you can pound sand. I have neither the time, the energy, nor the inclination to entertain the childish rants of someone whose idea of arguing their point is to tell me to fornicate myself.

The thing that has Kinnison’s panties in a wad is that Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America is asking Kroger to ban the open carrying of weapons in their stores. There’s absolutely no reason (none, zero, zip, nada) why ANYONE needs to go grocery shopping with an AR-15 slung over their shoulder. Until the Taliban begins launching ambushes in the produce section, the only thing open carry zealots are accomplishing is to imperil the safety of other shoppers. Not that they actually care about the safety of others, of course, but if Kroger doesn’t want to be boycotted by the overwhelming majority of their customers who don’t want to peruse the meat counter next to someone carrying a semi-automatic weapon, they’ll do the right thing. And gun nuts like Kinnison will be left to whine and complain like the impotent zealots they are.

There’s a time and a place where firearms are appropriate…and public spaces like grocery stores are neither. The sooner intellectually and morally deficient zealots like Rob Kinnison get that through their thick skulls, the safer Americans will be. Or do we have to wait until an accidental discharge kills a mother in the cereal aisle?

Wile it’s on my mind, Kinnison and his ilk would benefit through the realization that their “gun rights” don’t trump any and all other considerations, including the 1st Amendment rights of groups like Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America. Kinnison might be surprised to learn this, but there are other things equally as, and perhaps even more important than, his need to compensate for his shortcomings. It’s time for Kinnison and those like him to wake up, get out of his parents’ house, and get a grip on reality.

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