February 8, 2015 5:43 AM

Today's nominee for Headline of the Year: Gays and pig suicide...in the same sentence

Pastor Claims Gay People Are Possessed By “Fart Demons” That Can Drive Pigs To Suicide

Just when we thought we’d heard it all, this guy opened his mouth. Bert Farias…founder of Holy Fire Ministries, claims to know the “raw, naked truth” about why people are gay: They are possessed by “fart demons.” Yes, fart demons. Oh, but it gets better. Farias also claims that in choosing to be gay, a person chooses to engage in “unclean demonic practices.” Once that happens, they become possessed by “putrid-smelling” demons so stinky they can drive pigs to suicide. In an interview with Charisma magazine, Farias begged gay people to “not get upset with me” as he explained his groundbreaking new theory…. “[You] will see that I am actually trying to help you,” he assured them.

If this isn’t 2015’s Headline of the Year, I honestly have NO idea how deep this year’s silliness will go. Nonetheless, what we have here is definitely the early leader in the clubhouse.

THIS is what I LOVE about the 1st Amendment: Even the truly disturbed and unmedicated wackjobs can speak their piece. ‘Course, what they can’t control is the resulting backlash…but that’s not my problem, is it? If your going to seriously posit the proposition the the LGBT community is possessed by “fart demons” possessed of an odor so foul it would drive pigs to suicide, who am I to stand in the way the Internet having its way with you?

At first I thought this had to be satire, and part of me wonders if it still might be. Then I did a bit of research on da interwebs machine…and, lo and behold, Bert Farias is evidently a real thing. It would also appear that “fart demons” are everywhere, all around us. Who knew??

“There is an account in the Bible where Jesus casts out 2,000 demons out of a man. The demons came out screaming and begged Jesus to send them into the pigs. The pigs didn’t want them, so they ran down a steep hill and were drowned in the sea.”

“Pigs have more sense than some humans,” he added. “People embrace homosexual demons, but the pigs would rather die than be possessed with demons.”

And how exactly does Farias know all this?

One of God’s prophets personally phoned to let him know.

“A genuine prophet of God told me that the Lord allowed him to smell this demon spirit, and he got sick to his stomach,” he said.

The sad thing about this is that here’s a man of God (or so he thinks) so thoroughly and completely addled by hatred that he can’t be bothered to realize that most gays just want to be left alone to live their lives. There’s no homosexual agenda, no evil gay plot to take over the government, and most certainly no insidious homosexualist plan to convert our children.

In his attempt to “educate” gays about their evil, dissolute ways, Farias has himself become an exercise in self-parody. No one with even the barest shred of sanity remaining would take seriously a preacher who claims gays are possessed by “fart demons” and that these demons have the power to drive pigs to suicide.

You’d think that science would have figured out a way to harness this malevolent force so it could be used for good instead of evil, right?

Wow…who knew Teh Gayz were so all-powerful and dangerously destructive??

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