February 5, 2016 4:26 AM

President visits mosque; Republicans have a kitten: Film at 11

The same day President Obama visited a mosque for the first time as president, the Pew Research Center showed why many Americans likely objected to his even setting foot there…. [Other GOP candidates} Others criticized Obama for the specific mosque he chose and its ties. And late Wednesday night, Donald Trump said perhaps Obama “feels comfortable there” — a comment thick with innuendo from a man who championed conspiracy theories about Obama’s birthplace…. “We have a lot of problems in this country, Greta,” Trump said on Greta Van Susteren’s Fox News show. “There are a lot of places he can go, and he chose a mosque.”

So The Black Guy in the White House © paid a visit to a mosque…which seems like a decent enough thing to do (if you weren’t Black, a Democrat, and President), right? What better way for a President to make the point that he believes Muslims to have as much right to the American experience as those who follow any other religion…and to prove he hates America and the baby Jesus. For those of us who believe that America isn’t a Christian nation, but rather one blessed with secular governance that welcomes, honors, and protects those from ALL faith traditions, his visit was no small gesture. His speech made it clear that he considers Muslims to be equal partners in America with Christians. The Black Guy in the White House © didn’t punctuate his speech with cries of “Allahu akbar!,” nor did he quote the Qu’ran as he urged the faithful to engage in a violent and bloody jihad against the evil, decadent West. He called for peace, tolerance, and understanding…which proves he’s a closet Muslim, amiright??

Judging by the reaction from the Rabid Right, particularly the GOP presidential candidates, you could be forgiven for thinking the President had just sworn unswerving fealty to Allah and promised the immediate imposition of Sharia law…not that any of them could actually explain what Sharia actually is.

I can’t help but wonder: Did Marco Rubio even bother to listen to the speech given by The Black Guy in the White House ©? Or did he just see another opportunity to score cheap political points by appealing to his ignorant, brain-dead, easily manipulable base?

As if I even need to answer that (Move along, sheeple; no hypocrisy here….).

Hmm…wasn’t there a time when another President visited a mosque and gave a similar speech? Wait, wait…don’t tell me….

In a gesture that surprised and gratified Islamic leaders, Bush stepped up an already intense effort by his administration to prevent hate crimes and discrimination against nearly 10 million American Arabs and Muslims in retaliation for the World Trade Center and Pentagon attacks by Middle Eastern terrorists.

“The face of terror is not the true faith of Islam,” said the president, escorted by Islamic clerics into the ornate mosque full of Turkish tile, Persian rugs and Egyptian paintings. “Islam is peace.”

How is it that Captain Codpiece © can visit a mosque, give a speech, and be lauded for showing leadership and and compassion…while The Black Guy in the White House © is pilloried by The Loyal Opposition for pandering to his “co-religionists?”

The obvious answer is that George W. Bush is White and Republican; Barack Obama (half)African-American and a Democrat. The personal, visceral hatred many Republicans hold for The Black Guy in the White House © seems to blind them to the truth- ANY truth that reflects positively on this President. Then again, to the Republicans running for President, the truth is fungible and whatever’s required to get them elected.

So what have we learned today? It’s a pretty simple lesson really: George W. was a man of peace, a prescient, principled leader who strongly believe Islam to be a religion of peace. Barack Obama is an illegitimate, foreign-born usurper and closet Muslim who fervently dreams of turning America into the new Caliphate, imposing Sharia law, and waging violent, unceasing jihad against Christians.

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