March 10, 2016 5:39 PM

You can't spell "hypocrisy" without "NRA"

This morning, when Wayne LaPierre, CEO of the NRA, took to the stage at the Conservative Political Action Conference (AKA “CPAC: a gun free zone”), these signs were in the lobby. You see, we Conservatives only allow restrictions on the Second Amendment to protect OURSELVES from the gun violence we otherwise abet. Hypocrisy is the homage self-preservation pays to platitudes.

The next time you hear Conservatives arguing that “more guns only make us safer,” and/or “only a good guy with a gun can stop a bad guy with a gun,” refer them to this story. The 2016 edition of CPAC 2016, the annual meeting of the Conservative Political Action Committee, is an even larger exercise in hypocrisy that one might normally expect.

It seems that Conservatives consider the 2nd Amendment to be sacrosanct, inviolate, and immutable…as long as it’s not their safety on the line. When it’s an abstract concept (i.e.- neither they nor anyone they know or care about is in imperiled), they will declaim loud and long about how the right to bear arms- anytime, anywhere, any caliber- is an inalienable right, handed done by God and in way subject to the whims of Man.

So they couldn’t find any “good guys with guns?”

If you honestly believe that Conservatives give a damn about anything save for their own narrow, self-interested agenda, or that they give a damn about America or Americans, think about the sign above. It should tell you everything you need to know about how thoroughly “Conservative” has become synonymous with “hypocrisy.”

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