July 15, 2016 5:07 AM

Sometimes, a game is just a game

These tears I cried for my wounded brother were like daggers to the heart, and we all cried with him for the awful pain we had together. But God is great and just as our saviour Jesus Christ suffered on the cross for a better world for us, Cristiano cried in the pain of not being able to help his teammates and his beloved people. God is just and they deservedly lifted the trophy, and fulfilled the dream; we are champions.

One of my pet peeves has to do with those who equate the results of sporting events to Something That Actually Matters ©. Those who speak of athletic competition using terms best employed to describe war or invoke Almighty God, who evidently smiled upon them and granted them victory (because He hates their opponents Just. That. Much.) are engaging in a distressing degree of hypocrisy and hyperbole.

First of all, athletic competition is in no shape, manner, OR form related to war. People die in combat; Cristiano Ronaldo suffered a boo-boo on his knees. Not exactly equivalent, if you catch my meaning.

Second, those who believe God gives a tinker’s damn about who wins a game, or a championship, and/or ANYTHING associated with athletic competition desperately need professional help. I’m not certain what it is that’s ailing Ronaldo’s sister, but I’d wager it’s a long and difficult to pronounce. Even if you believe in God (I don’t), do you really believe your Supreme Being doesn’t have better things to concern themselves with- war, pestilence, famine, drought, etc., ad infinitum, ad nauseam?

I realize some of the drama fairly dripping from the language used by Ronaldo’s sister may have something to do with the translation from Portuguese to English…but the rhetoric is still pretty overcooked. Some might even consider attributing Portugal’s victory over France to some sort of Divine Providence to be offensive and possibly even blasphemous. Then again, when you’re convinced God’s on your side, as amply and incontrovertibly proven by Portugal’s historic victory, what’s a little blasphemy among friends?

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