November 5, 2002 5:38 AM

I can't drive 55

55 mph begins signing off freeways this week

In a final recognition of reality, Houston area speedways...uh, freeways...will see their speed limits raised from 55 to 65 MPH. Not that anyone was actually driving 55 to begin with.

The state highway department will start changing speed limit signs along area freeways within the week, officially ending the much maligned, politically unpopular 55 mph speed limit.

On Monday, the Environmental Protection Agency signed off on the proposal to do away with the limit -- the final step in a process that began almost as soon at the lower limit went into effect this spring.

For the few drivers still traveling at the posted limit, though, it would be wise to wait until Texas Department of Transportation road crews actually begin posting the new 60 and 65 mph signs -- 3,200 in all -- before hitting the gas. The posted limit is still the limit.

The 55 mph limit, which went into effect in May, was initially part of the federally mandated plan to get the Houston-Galveston region into compliance with national air quality standards by 2007. The thinking, based on scientific models, was that driving slower meant less pollution.

The measure was vilified from the start and drew heated negative response from drivers in the eight-county area under the "environmental" speed limit. New scientific modeling later showed the reductions in pollution from the lower limit were not that significant, at least not significant enough to warrant the aggravation of driving 55 mph and the heat it was placing on politicians.

Of course, Governor Goodhair is taking credit for raising the speed limits, which is, I suppose, his wont. Realistically, though, the Guv cares little for the Houston area save for how many votes and how much money he can raise from it. The speed limit debate was just an opportunity for him to look as if he was out in from of the curve.

At least the speed limits will reflect the realities of how people drive here. Honestly, 65 is a bit on the low side, but I suppose you have to pick a reasonable-sounding number to put on road signs. Personally, I don't think a higher speed limit will change the behavior of Houston drivers one bit.

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