January 8, 2003 6:00 PM

You say "white trash" like it's a bad thing.... (update #2)

Seabrook councilwoman quits: Duncan resigns full office after cursing police

Ding Dong, the witch is dead....

Bowing to the inevitable, Leona Helmsley-wannabe Margaret Kidd Duncan resigned from the Seabrook City Council this afternoon. To say that I am relieved would be to grossly understate the joy and satisfaction I feel at this moment. Of course, being the clueless bitch that she has played since she took office, she is still refusing to face reality.

Less than a day after being asked to step down by her fellow council members following a controversial traffic stop last month, Seabrook City Councilwoman Margaret Kidd Duncan resigned her post this afternoon.

Duncan, 40, who was elected to the council in May, said she was stepping down not out of principle but because her family was being harassed.

Whatever. Who cares; she's gone, and THAT is all I and most anyone I know cares about.

Now the question becomes how her position will be filled. I imagine there will be a special election at some point, but it's to early to speculate. Hmm...you know, I just might be persuaded...nah, Susan would KILL me.....

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This page contains a single entry by Jack Cluth published on January 8, 2003 6:00 PM.

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