June 6, 2006 6:00 AM

Isn't it about time to stop taking yourselves so damned seriously??

Dutch Evangelicals calls for pray-in against the Devil

A Netherlands-based Evangelical organisation has called on Christians in 21 countries to hold a 24-hour prayer vigil against Satanic forces to mark so-called Devil’s Day.Some fear the date 06/06/06, which falls on Tuesday, signifies 666, the Biblical number of the Devil, and will usher in calamities and even the end of the world.

Jeebus, people…can we all just relax here and stop getting ourselves working into a lather over a date on a calendar?? 6.6.06 really is just another day, important only to numerologists and those overly-religious types with way too much time on their hands and too little sense?

There is absolutely NOTHING about today that makes it inherently any more or less evil than any other day. Yes, the “6.6.06” thing makes for a nice story, and it gives the perpetually and terminally afraid something to pop a vein over. Trust me on this one, though; the sun will set tonight as it always does, and it will rise again tomorrow morning, just as it does every day. So, pray (or party) if you must, but do those of you convinced that this is a harbinger of the End of Days really have to create much ado about nothing? Might I suggest switching to decaf??

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This page contains a single entry by Jack Cluth published on June 6, 2006 6:00 AM.

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