March 11, 2007 7:21 AM

Another DUMB@$$ AWARD wiener

Rep. Gingrey Blames Soldiers For Walter Reed Squalor: ‚Äö√Ñ√≤If You Leave Food Around You’ll Get Mice’

Medicalizing Torture & Torturing Medicine

DUMB@$$ AWARD wiener #546: Rep. Phil Gingrey (R-GA)

Yesterday at the House Armed Services Committee hearing on veterans care, Rep. Phil Gingrey (R-GA) attempted to stand out from the rest of Congress and argue that the conditions in Building 18 weren’t that bad. Instead of criticizing the cockroach infestation, he said, “I was glad to know that those cockroaches were belly up. It suggested to me that at least someone was spraying for them.”….He also tried to blame the soldiers for the conditions, stating, “And, of course, if you leave food around in a motel room or a dorm room at a college, you’re going to get some mice show up at some point in time.”

I never cease to be amazed at the length some Congressional Republicans will go to excuse the conditions at Walter Reed Army Medical Center. You’d think that these Chickenhawks would be seizing this opportunity to vent their spleen and show the faithful just how much they support our troops. Yeah, right….

Phil Gingrey is just another example of partisan hypocrisy when it comes to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. They “support our troops”…as long as they don’t have to do anything more meaningful than slap another magnetic ribbon on their SUV

Rather then try to figure out what can be done to solve the problem and ensure that our troops get the first-class care they deserve, Gingrey has decided to play politics by accusing Democrats of playing politics. This situation is a problem, and Gingrey trying to minimize it by explaining it away is not going to resolve a thing. If ONE soldier is forced to endure substandard care, if ONE soldier is subjected to bureaucratic ineptitude, if ONE soldier if forced to live with rats and mold, they we have a problem, and Gingrey’s posturing will not make it go away.

Senior Congressional Republicans knew about conditions at Walter Reed months prior to the Washington Post’s breaking the story. They just didn’t want to embarrass Our Glorious and Benevolent Leader © . Gingrey and his fellow Republicans were more concerned about potential embarrassment to their President than the reality of the care our soldiers have been receiving. Think about that one for a second. Protecting an inept Republican demagogue President is more important than the welfare of those who put there lives and well-being on the line. Surely, I’m not that only one outraged by this?

If you’re a Republican…Hell, if you’re an American…you should be ashamed that partisan maroons like Phil Gingrey are walking the halls of Congress.


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