December 1, 2007 8:00 AM

Well, sure...self-delusion and perceived moral superiority will certainly do that for a person

Republicans Report Much Better Mental Health Than Others

PRINCETON, NJ — Republicans are significantly more likely than Democrats or independents to rate their mental health as excellent, according to data from the last four November Gallup Health and Healthcare polls. Fifty-eight percent of Republicans report having excellent mental health, compared to 43% of independents and 38% of Democrats. This relationship between party identification and reports of excellent mental health persists even within categories of income, age, gender, church attendance, and education.

Ah, you can bet that this will get a lot of play in the Right-wing media (Ahoy! Rush Limbaugh bloviating in 4…3…2….). I actually found this gem at the Drudge Report, so you can bet it will be a matter of nanoseconds before it becomes fodder for the talking heads at Faux News Channel. (The stupid…IT BURNS!!)

Not being a psychologist, I’m not about to parse the meaning of this survey, other than to say that when one is thoroughly convinced of their own correctness and moral superiority, there’s not much room left for doubt or to ponder one’s purpose or place in this world, is there? When Jesus is on your side, and when you live in a black-and-white world of right and wrong, what is there to doubt?

Yeah, I’m a Liberal Democrat, and I have my issues…actually, a boatload of them, truth be told. Perhaps this is what happens when one is heavily engaged in trying to determine how one fits in deal with life as it happens. No, I don’t have all the answers, and yes, I’m dealing with depression and have been for years. If that’s the hallmark of a Democrat who cares about diversity and inclusiveness, I’ll take that rap any day of the week. At least I’m not going through life with blinders on. Life hurts, y’all…wear a helmet.

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This page contains a single entry by Jack Cluth published on December 1, 2007 8:00 AM.

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