January 28, 2009 4:51 AM

Proof positive of the decline and fall of Western civilization


Yes, America...this is a competitive sport....

There is only one place I know that combines tiny balls, plastic cups and vats of beer. Besides Jose Canseco's house, that is. It's a beer pong tournament. This is a sport that requires a steady hand, faulty hearing and a titanium liver. It's believed that 73% of all tuition money goes toward it. Beer pong is played on a table slightly smaller than Ping-Pong's, by teams of two. Ten cups, filled about one-third with beer, are set like bowling pins at the ends. As you try to toss or bounce a Ping-Pong ball into the cups on the side opposite yours, opponents jump and yell unspeakables about your mother. If you make it, they must drink it. First team to sink all 10 cups wins. It's very sophisticated.

I'm wondering; what, really, does it say about our culture when a sport like Beer Pong has an actual, honest-to-God national championship with rules and everything? That far too many slackers have far too much time on their hands? That our economy sucks so completely that it's as good as working for a living? That some of these kids really need for Daddy to cut off their credit card? That there's a time and a place for this...and it's called "college"?

Of course, if you're going to be known for something, why not something you can excel at while drunk?

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